
Responsive provides lots of building blocks that are specifically designed to speed up your development by boilerplating common components from normalized styles.

The base CSS for this has been carefully adapted from Normalize.css; an open-source project by Nicolas Gallagher and Jonathan Neal.

In their own words:

Normalize.css is a small CSS file that provides better cross-browser consistency in the default styling of HTML elements. It's a modern, HTML5-ready, alternative to the traditional CSS reset.


Responsive does not add any additional styles to basic typographical elements such as <p/>. Header tags and other elements conform to cross-browser normalized standards.

Header Element Default Dimensions


font-size: 2rem;
margin: 1.34rem 0;


font-size: 1.5rem;
margin: 1.245rem 0;


font-size: 1.17rem;
margin: 1.17rem 0;


font-size: 1rem;
margin: 1.33rem 0;
font-size: .83rem;
margin: 1.386rem 0;
font-size: .67rem;
margin: 1.561rem 0;

<hr/> elements have been tweaked slightly though to allow developers to more easily style them. For example:

Inline Typographical Elements

q element inside a q element example
<q>q element <q>inside</q> a q element</q> example
small element example
<small>small element</small> example
span element example
<span>span element</span> example
strong element example
<strong>strong element</strong> example
sub element example
<sub>sub element</sub> example
sup element example
<sup>sup element</sup> example
var element example
<var>var element</var> example
cite element example
<cite>cite element</cite> example
del element example
<del>del element</del> example
dfn element example
<dfn>dfn element</dfn> example
dfn element with title example
<dfn title="Title text">dfn element with title</dfn> example
em element example
<em>em element</em> example
i element example
<i>i element</i> example
ins element example
<ins>ins element</ins> example
mark element example
<mark>mark element</mark> example
abbr example
<mark>mark element</mark> example
ruby example
<ruby>ruby</ruby> example

Visibility helpers.

These helpers allow you to toggle the visibility of elements as the viewport scales. rem values are calculated at the browser body default of 16px = 1rem.

Visible Example: Green means visible

Hidden Example: Red means hidden

Extra Visibility Helpers

These extra utility classes help you perform addition visibility tasks.

Hides an element from both screen-readers and browsers.
Hides an element visually, but has it available for screen readers.
Extends the .visuallyhidden class to allow the element to be focusable when navigated to via the keyboard
Hides an element visually and from screen readers, but maintain layout.
Hides an elements text so that a background image can be used instead; requires the height of the element to be set via CSS to work. Useful for logos.

Layout Helpers

Responsive also comes bundled with utility classes help you layout elements within the grid columns.

Floating Classes

Push or pull elements floating them to the extremes of their immediate parent. Add the class .clearfix to the parent element to contain floats without resorting to using presentational markup.



Heads Up!

Both .push and .pull have .push/.pull-{grid range} and .push/.pull-{grid range}-only variants for each grid range.

Display Classes

The following classes are available for changing the layout of elements

Changes an elements display style to block.
Changes an elements display style to inline-block.
Changes an elements display style to inline.

Heads Up!

.block, .inline-block, and .inline have {display}-{grid range} and {display}-{grid range}-only variants for each grid range.

Text Layout Helpers

Responsive provides methods for lining up text within a container

The following classes are available for changing the layout of text

Lines up text to the right hand side of the container. Left in rtl mode.
Lines up text to the left hand side of the container. Right in rtl mode.
Lines up text to the center of the container.

Heads Up!

.text-pull, .text-push, and .text-center have {text}-{grid range}-{align}
and {text}-{grid range}-{align}-only variants for each grid range.